Thursday, December 22, 2011

The other version of jingle bells

Jingle bells Batman smells,
Robin layed an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
And Joker got away, hey!

Dashing through the snow,
On a pair of broken skis
Through the hills we go
Crashing into trees

The snow is turning red
I think I am going to be dead
I wake up in the hospital
With nothing but my head, hey!

Jingle bells Batman smells,
Robin layed an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
And Joker got away, hey!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Funny rhymes

I want to touch the sky,
I got shot down by the F.B.I.,
I tripped and fell in a pie,
My dad did not borther to say hi.
Then I started to cry,
And the whole world just passed by.


Ghosts and goblins, bats and bones spider spining webby homes. We are called the creatures of the night, we will fill your hearts with fright!!!!

Coco Cola went to town,
Diet Pepsi shot him down,
Doctor Pepper fixed him up,
Now we're drinking 7up,
7up caught a flu,
Now were drinking Mountain Dew,
Mountain Dew fell of a mountain,
Now we're drinking water fountain,
Water fountain broke,
Now we're back to Coke,
Always Coco Cola,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Spongebob sings Goofy Goober

Tounge twisters

How much wood a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickeled peppers.

Betty bought some butter but the butter was bitter so Betty bought some better butter to make the bitter better butter.

She sell sea shells at the sea shore.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Flaming Olymics

In August 2004, the Summer Olympic games were  held in Athens, Greece  modern version of a competition which began in 776 BC ... in Athens, Greece.
Day one: Promises, Promises
On the opening day, the athletes all swore they would play fairly.
Day two: fun and games
The sporting events started. A five activity event came first it's called Pentathlon (Track and Field).
You have to do: Sprint, Javelin, Long jump, Discus and Hurdles.
The chariot race took place on the same day.

Day three, morning: Noughts and oxen

If you were going to take part in the ancient Games it was definately NOT a good idea to be an ox. Why not?

  • Because at the start of day three at evert Plympiad, you and 99 other oxen would be slaughtered in honor of Zeus
  • You would then be cut up and your thighs burnt to ashes on the altar of Zeus as a scarifice. (The pile of ash had reached 2 metres by the second century AD. Not quite sky-high but definately thigh-high!)
  • The rest of you would be cooked and eaten by the winning athletes at the big banquet which ended the Games